"Versteh mal: Das Rathaus junior" is available now">"Versteh mal: Das Rathaus junior" is available now">
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Learning and coloring book

"Understand: The town hall junior"

With the new learning and coloring book Versteh mal: Das Rathaus junior, the city of Wolfsburg wants to give primary and pre-school children a playful understanding of the role and tasks of the city hall. The 32-page booklet in DIN A5 format combines informative content with interactive elements such as puzzles, coloring pictures and tasks relating to the services of a municipal administration.

The project was implemented on behalf of the city by the company Peachy360 from Hamburg. Texts and drawings were individually adapted for Wolfsburg. Users will recognize the building from the inside and outside on the cover and also on the inside pages. "Versteh mal: Das Rathaus junior offers a mixture of excitement, fun and knowledge. The comic is a great way to teach children about democratic processes at a young age," says Wolfsburg's Lord Mayor Dennis Weilmann.

"Wolfsburg has been recognized as a child-friendly municipality. That's why it's important for us as a communications department to address children in a target group-oriented way. Understand: Rathaus junior is the successful result," says Lars M. Vollmering, Head of the city's Communications Department.

The learning and coloring booklet is now available on the first floor of Town Hall A.

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