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Development plans

The Federal Building Code describes the task of urban land-use planning as an instrument that prepares and guides the structural and other use of land in the municipal area.

At the federal level, the Building Code describes the tasks of urban land use planning. It serves the municipality as an instrument with which it can prepare and control ("direct") the constructional and other use of land in the municipal area

On this page you will find information about all legally binding land-use plans, land-use plans under development, opportunities for public participation, contact persons, as well as the land-use plan.

At the federal level, the Building Code describes the tasks of urban land use planning. It serves the municipality as an instrument with which it can prepare and control ("direct") the constructional and other use of land in the municipal area.

The term "urban land use plans" includes the land use plan and the development plans. Urban land use planning as a staged planning process consists of two steps. With the development of the preparatory urban land use plan, which is referred to as the "land use plan", the basis is laid for the preparation of binding urban land use plans - the so-called "development plans". While the land use plan contains rather basic determinations on different areas of use and development goals for the entire city area, the individual development plans regulate the structural and other use of individual plots of land in precisely justified sub-areas of the municipal area. As a municipal legislation, the establishment of zoning plans is one of the most important elements for the long-term management of the municipality's development.

On this page you can find information about all legally binding land-use plans, land-use plans under development, possibilities for public participation, contact persons, as well as the land-use plan.

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Current development plans in the process

  • General information

    NOTE: The drafts of the current urban land use plan procedures are available for general inspection at City Hall B, 3rd floor Porschestraße 49 at the following times:

    Monday to Thursday 07:00 to 19:00 hrs.
    Friday 07:00 to 13:00 hrs
    Information on the draft plan is available in the Urban Planning and Building Consultancy Division, City Hall B, 3rd upper floor during the following times:

    Monday and Tuesday 08:30 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 16:30
    Wednesday and Friday 08:30 - 12:00
    Thursday 08:30 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 17:30

    In case of profound questions about the planning procedure, we recommend a TELEPHONE TERMINATION under 05361 28-2165.

    Current public participation procedures

    The City of Wolfsburg informs that in accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation (EU-DSGVO), personal data such as name, address data as well as e-mail address will be used and stored with the submission of comments in accordance with Section 3 (1) of the German Building Code (Baugesetzbuch) in conjunction with Article 6 (1c) EU-DSGVO for the legally determined documentation and information obligations. Read more information on data protection here

  • Early public participation in accordance with section 3 (1) BauGB

    Currently, no procedure is in the process of interpretation

  • Public participation in accordance with section 3 (2) BauGB (publication)

    Currently, no procedure is in the process of interpretation

  • Renewed public participation in accordance with section 4a (3) BauGB (renewed publication)

    Currently, no procedure is in the process of interpretation

  • Development plans in process

    Are development plans a closed book for you? That doesn't have to be. The overview "Bebauungsplan: Planerdeutsch - Deutsch" explains the essential signs, lines and symbols on zoning plans.

    Development plans in process

    Development plan Decisions Plan
    Almke Expansion of the Almke biogas plant Decision on preparation: 06.12.2023
    Bebauungsplan Erweiterung Biogasanlage Almke
    Old Wolfsburg Schloßstraße/corner of
    Preparation resolution:

    14.02.2022 - 04.03.2022
    Bebauungsplan Schloßstraße Ecke Loewenfeldweg im Ortsteil Alt Wolfsburg
    Barnstorf Wiesengrund Decision to prepare the site:
    Bebauungsplan Wiesengrund im Ortsteil Barnstorf
    Ehmen An der Gärtnerei II Decision to prepare the site:
    Bebauungsplan An der Gärtnerei II im Ortsteil Ehmen
    Ehmen Ehmen-West Decision to prepare: 06.12.2023 Bebauungsplan Ehmen West
    Fallersleben South
    1st amendment
    Preparation resolution:

    Early participation/
    Public presentation:
    17.05. - 28.05.2021
    Bebauungsplan Glockenberg, 1. Änderung, südlich im Ortsteil Fallersleben
    Hattorf At the plantation Decision on preparation:
    Bebauungsplan An der Plantage im Ortsteil Hattorf
    Hattorf Heinenkamp West industrial estate

    Preparation decision: 04.09.2024

    Bebauungsplan Gewerbegebiet Heinenkamp West
    Hehlinger Bach Preparation decision
    Bebauungsplan Hehlinger Bach im Ortsteil Hehlingen / Neuhaus
    Heiligendorf Wendeburg II Preparation decision: 28.06.2023 Bebauungsplan Heiligendorf
    Hellwinkel VfL stadium
    Preparation decision:
    Bebauungsplan VfL-Stadion Elsterweg im Ortsteil Hellwinkel
    Hesslingen Dieselstraße/corner of

    Decision to prepare the site:

    Public presentation:
    07.09. - 15.09.2020

    Publication: 14.06. - 14.07.2021
    14.06. - 14.07.2021

    Bebauungsplan Dieselstraße / Ecke Lerchenweg im Ortsteil Heßlingen
    Hesslingen North of the
    Heßlinger Straße, 3.
    Decision on the preparation:

    Early participation/
    Public presentation:
    21.03.2022 - 01.04.2022
    Bebauungsplan Nördlich der Heßlinger Straße, 3. Änderung im Ortsteil Heßlingen
    Kästorf Allerweg
    1st extension
    Decision on the layout:
    Bebauungsplan Allerweg, 1. Erweiterung im Ortsteil Kästorf
    Klieversberg Röntgenstraße Preparation resolution:

    Public presentation:
    11.12.2019 - 03.01.2020
    Bebauungsplan Röntgenstraße im Ortsteil Klieversberg


    Dunantplatz - eastern area

    Preparation decision 12.07.2024

    Early participation/ public Presentation: 13.10.2023 - 06.11.2023
    Bebauungsplan Dunantplatz
    Kreuzheide "East of the
    Decision on the layout
    Bebauungsplan Östlich der Werderstraße im Ortsteil Kreuzheide
    Neindorf Neindorfer Riede Resolution on the preparation:
    Bebauungsplan Neindorfer Riede im Ortsteil Neindorf
    Neindorf Wiedbusch Decision on the preparation:

    Bebauungsplan Wiedbusch im Ortsteil Neindorf
    Nordsteimke New center
    Decision on the layout:
    Bebauungsplan Neue Mitte Nordsteimke im Ortsteil Nordsteimke
    Town center
    Neighborhood development plan
    Sonnenkamp I
    Decision to draw up the plan:
    Quartiersbebauungsplan Sonnenkamp I in den Ortsteilen Nordsteimke, Hehlingen, Reislingen und Stadtmitte
    Town center
    Neighborhood development plan
    Decision to draw up the plan:
    Quartiersbebauungsplan Sonnenkamp I in den Ortsteilen Nordsteimke, Hehlingen, Reislingen und Stadtmitte II
    Town center
    Neighborhood development plan
    Sonnenkamp IV
    Decision to draw up the plan:

    Public event:

    Public presentation:
    21.09. - 02.10.2020
    Quartiersbebauungsplan Sonnenkamp I in den Ortsteilen Nordsteimke, Hehlingen, Reislingen und Stadtmitte IV
    Town center
    Neighborhood development plan
    Decision to prepare the plan:
    Quartiersbebauungsplan Sonnenkamp in den Ortsteilen Nordsteimke, Hehlingen, Reislingen und Stadtmitte I
    Reislingen/ Neuhaus "South of the Sandkrugstraße" Decision to prepare: 06.10.2022 Bebauungsplan
    Sandkamp North of Stellfelder Straße Preparation decision: 26.05.2021

    Early participation/ public presentation: 21.03.2022 - 01.04.2022

    Design decision: 22.03.2023

    Publication: 24.04.2023 - 26.05.2023
    Bebauungsplan Nördlich Stellfelder Straße im Ortsteil Sandkamp
    Schiller pond North of the large Schillerteich pond, 2nd amendment Preparation decision: 02.10.2019 Bebauungsplan Nördlich des großen Schillerteiches, 2. Änderung im Ortsteil Schillerteich
    City center Nordkopfquartier center Planning resolution: 26.06.2023 Bebauungsplan Stadtmitte
    City center North Head Quarter East Preparation decision: 26.06.2023 Bebauungsplan Stadtmitte
    City center Allerpark adventure world, 3rd amendment Preparation resolution: 28.10.2020

    Early participation/ public presentation: 22.02. - 05.03.2021

    Decision on design: 26.05.2021

    Publication: 14.06. - 14.07.2021
    Bebauungsplan Erlebniswelt Allerpark, 3. Änderung im Ortsteil Stadtmitte
    City center Porschestraße Central area west, north of Goethestraße

    Preparation decision: 28.10.2020

    Early participation/ public event: 05.06.2023

    Early participation/ public presentation: 05.06.2023 - 16.06.2023

    Publication: 12.02.2023 - 13.03.2024

    Bebauungsplan Porschestraße, Mittlerer Bereich West, nördlich Goethestraße im Ortsteil Stadtmitte
    Sülfeld Cocksfeld Preparation decision: 10.10.2012

    Early participation/ public event: 22.10.2014

    Early participation/ public presentation: 27 - 31.10.2014

    17.08. - 18.09.2015
    Bebauungsplan Cocksfeld im Ortsteil Sülfeld
    Velstove Alte Handelsstraße Decision to prepare: 22.03.2023 Bebauungsplan Alte Handelsstraße im Ortsteil Velstove
    Vorsfelde Fuhrenkamp Decision to prepare: 19.02.2020 Bebauungsplan Fuhrenkamp im Ortsteil Vorsfelde
    Vorsfelde Schreiberwiese Preparation resolution: 03.02.2016

    Early participation/ public presentation: 12.12.2022 - 27.12.2022
    Bebauungsplan Schreiberwiese im Ortsteil Vorsfelde
    Vorsfelde East of the Meine Preparation decision: 15.02.2023 Bebauungsplan Östlich an der Meine im Ortsteil Vorsfelde
    Warmenau Heidkoppel / Birnbaumstücke, 1st amendment Preparation resolution: 11.03.2015

    Early participation/public event: 08.08.2017

    Design decision: 20.06.2018
    Bebauungsplan Heidkoppel / Birnbaumstücke, 1. Änderung im Ortsteil Warmenau
    Warmenau "Warmenau automobile factory Decision on the layout 09.02.2022

    Publication: 31.05. - 17.06.2022
    Bebauungsplan Automobilfabrik Warmenau im Ortsteil Warmenau
    Warmenau Beautiful Heath Decision to prepare: 24.05.2017 Bebauungsplan Schöne Heide im Ortsteil Warmenau
    Warmenau West of Am Hasselborn Decision to prepare: 07.12.2022 Bebauungsplan Westlich Am Hasselborn im Ortsteil Warmenau
    Wendschott Old school road Preparation resolution: 16.12.2020

    Early participation/public presentation: 13.09. - 11.10.2021
    Bebauungsplan Alte Schulstraße im Ortsteil Wendschott
    Westhagen Westhagen IV. Quarter/part c,
    2nd amendment
    Preparation decision: 19.09.2018

    Early participation/public event: 04.12.2018

    Early participation/ public presentation: 05.12. - 14.12.2018
    Bebauungsplan Westhagen IV. Quartier/Teil c, 2. Änderung im Ortsteil Westhagen

  • Urban land use planning procedure

    The urban land use planning procedure follows a legally prescribed form and comprises various procedural stages. In phases two and three, you as citizens have the opportunity to participate in the procedure.

    Step 1: Preparation of a development plan

    The decision to draw up a land-use plan is taken by the Wolfsburg City Council. Other authorities and neighboring communities are informed about the preliminary draft and can comment on it. The "participation of authorities and public bodies" phase is not aimed at citizens. In accordance with Section 2 (1) of the German Federal Building Code (BauGB), the decision to prepare the site must be published in accordance with local practice.

    Step 2: Early public participation

    During public participation in accordance with Section 3 (1) of the German Building Code (BauGB) , citizens are informed about the planning intentions at an early stage. The participation is carried out as a public event or in the form of a presentation. General objectives, purposes and effects of the planning as well as possible plan alternatives are explained. The citizens' comments are incorporated into the further planning.

    Step 3: Public display

    The draft plans, which have been approved by the Wolfsburg City Council, are then publicly displayed for a period of one month in accordance with Section 3 (2) of the German Building Code (BauGB). You will have the opportunity to view the drafts and submit comments online. The various interests of all stakeholders will be weighed up and incorporated in the further planning process.

    Step 4: Announcement

    The formal procedure is concluded by the examination of the comments received and the adoption of a resolution on the urban land use plan by the Wolfsburg City Council. The urban land use plan then becomes legally effective with its announcement in the official gazette for the city of Wolfsburg.

  • Search for legally binding land-use plans in the city map free of charge

    As a service, the Urban Planning and Building Consultancy division offers the possibility of searching for legally binding development plans in the new city map application. All plans are drawn in the city area and with a click in the respective planning area it is possible to download not only the development plan but also further information, such as the justification for the planning.

  • Your contact persons

    Responsibilities of the urban planning department

    Team North

    Mrs. Reinhardt

    Mrs. Malig

    Mr. Schrader

    Mr. Pfaff

    Mrs. Hage

    05361 28-1184

    05361 28-2791

    05361 28-1727

    05361 28-1633

    05361 28-2700

    Team South

    Mr. Backsmann

    Mrs. Müller

    Mr. Nimpsch

    05361 28-1415

    05361 28-1885

    05361 28-1412

    Land use plan
    Mr. Koch 05361 28-2477

    Housing projects team

    Ms. Rasehorn 05361 28-1571

    Ms. Ballhausen 05361 28-1198

    Ms. Schneider 05361 28-1449

    Ms. Mehde 05361 28-5049

    Mr. Tairi 05361 28-1672

    Mr. Berger 05361 28-5057

    Refurbishment team

    Mr. Rey 05361 28-2781

    Mr. Teigeler 05361 28-1677

    Ms. Meyer 05361 28-2605

    Ms. Peters 05361 28-1673

    Mr. Lampe 05361 28-2943

    Ms. Alber 05361 28-1897

    Ms. Svoboda 05361 28-5039

    Ms. Baumgarte 05361 28-1673

  • Land use plan

    The diverse and often conflicting wishes, interests, ideas and needs of the constantly changing society with regard to land use have an impact on the urban and open space structure. The land use plan (FNP) as a preparatory urban land use plan has the fundamental control and steering function of the distribution of land uses for the entire municipal area.

    Only about one third of Wolfsburg's urban area is building and transportation land. The larger share is taken up by agricultural, forest, green and water areas. The land use plan deals intensively with this urban and natural structure of Wolfsburg and its potentials. It shows the urban development that has taken place to date and sketches a picture of the future use of the land in the urban area.

    The following main questions are in focus:

    • How many people will live and work where in the city?
    • Which areas will be needed in the future and for what use?
    • What traffic flows will this entail and how will they flow?
    • What measures will be taken for flood protection, environmental protection in general and nature and climate protection in particular?

    The land use plan is intended to provide answers to these and many other questions.

  • Notes on data protection

    Responsible entity

    City of Wolfsburg, represented by the Lord Mayor, Porschestrasse 49, Urban Planning and Building Advisory Division, 38440 Wolfsburg, Tel. 05361 28-2165, e-mail: sekretariat.06@stadt.wolfsburg.de.

    Data protection officer

    The contact details of the data protection officer of the City of Wolfsburg are: City of Wolfsburg, Data Protection Officer, Data Protection and IT Security Unit, Porschestraße 49, 38440 Wolfsburg, e-mail: datenschutz@stadt.wolfsburg.de.

    Your personal data contained in this e-mail is required in the City Planning and Building Consultancy division for processing your statement/suggestions and will only be processed for the specified purpose. Without this information, it is not possible to process the statement/suggestion. Within the framework of public participation, your personal data collected on the basis of Section 3 (1) of the German Building Code (BauGB), Section 3 (2) of the German Building Code (BauGB) or Section 4a (3) of the German Building Code (BauGB) will only be used to the extent required for processing the statement/suggestion. Your data will only be passed on within the City of Wolfsburg to those offices which must be involved in the processing of your statement/suggestion. The personal data will be stored here. The processing of the personal data provided in accordance with the conditions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation is hereby acknowledged. Reference is made to the following rights of data subjects:
    • the information according to Article 15 EU-DSGVO
    • the correction of incorrect data according to Article 16 EU-DSGVO
    • the deletion or obliteration according to Article 17 EU-DSGVO
    • the restriction of processing according to Article 18 EU-DSGVO
    • the objection to processing according to Article 21 EU-DSGVO
    • data portability according to Article 20 EU-DSGVO and
    • the right to object to processing pursuant to Article 21 EU-DSGVO.

    There may be restrictions to the above rights under Article 23(1)(h) EU GDPR and special-law provisions.

    In addition, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. The address is: The State Commissioner for Data Protection of Lower Saxony, home address: Prinzenstraße 5, 30159 Hannover, postal address: Postfach 221, 30002 Hannover, e-mail: poststelle@lfd.niedersachsen.de.

  • Contact

    City of Wolfsburg
    Urban Planning and Building Consulting Division

    Porschestrasse 49
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Telephone: 05361 28-2165

    E-mail to the Urban Planning and Building Consultancy Division

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