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Cycling in Wolfsburg

Further improving the city's bike-friendliness

As the new cycling coordinator, Pascal Rose has recently taken over central responsibility for all matters relating to cycling at the city of Wolfsburg. "After more than a year of vacancy, we have finally succeeded in filling this position again. We are very pleased about this, because the issue of cycle paths in Wolfsburg will continue to play a central role in the future when it comes to transport infrastructure," confirmed City Planning Councillor Kai-Uwe Hirschheide.

As part of his studies at the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Pascal Rose dealt intensively with the topic of cycling. Both the practical semester and his final thesis took place in cooperation with the city of Salzgitter and covered various cycling topics.

"By taking part in the city administration's transport workshops, I have already gained an insight into what cyclists in Wolfsburg want. Examining and implementing the ideas presented at these events will be an initial focus of my work," said Pascal Rose, looking ahead. Initial contacts have already been made with members of the Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club (ADFC) and the Verkehrsclub Deutschland (VCD). The aim is to further improve the city's bicycle-friendliness.

Take the bike! All sights are easily accessible by two-wheeler. No parking fees, no search for a parking space, no detours. Shopping? Leave your bike at the parking facility at the City Galerie, for example: it couldn't be more central! There are also numerous bicycle racks in the northern Porschestraße.

The new digital bicycle city map shows you all bicycle traffic facilities in the entire city of Wolfsburg as well as bicycle dealers, parking facilities and more. How you as a cyclist can avoid the main traffic routes? Which routes are suitable for a tour into the countryside? The bicycle city map provides answers.

Cycling in Wolfsburg:

  • Bike and Ride facility Fallersleben station
    Drawing bicycle parking spaces at the main station
    Bike and Ride facility
    © DB Station&Service AG

    Bicycle parking at Fallersleben station to be expanded

    Bicycle parking facilities on the north and south sides of Fallersleben station will be enlarged. This will include canopies and another bicycle cage. With the help of the "Bike & Ride Offensive" funding program of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and Deutsche Bahn, mainly double-deck parkers will be installed. These will enable a space-efficient expansion of the existing facilities. According to the submitted funding application, a total of 34 parking spaces are to be added on the north side and 106 parking spaces on the south side. All bicycle parking will be positioned immediately around the stairways to combine the convenience of secure parking with the shortest route to the platform.

    On the north side, open-access but covered double-deck parking will be provided. On the south side, in addition to the open-access facilities, there will also be a 24-space bicycle garage. It will provide secure bicycle parking on this side of the rail facility as well. Until now, such a bicycle cage has only existed on the north side.

    The total cost is just under 100,000 euros. Within the framework of the funding program and the possibility of proportional co-financing by the regional association, the city of Wolfsburg's own contribution is around 7,000 euros. This measure is intended to make bicycle parking at Fallersleben station attractive and expand it to a sufficient extent in the medium to long term. Pending a grant decision, the measure is to be implemented in the second half of 2022.

    National Climate Protection Initiative

    "With the National Climate Initiative, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment has been initiating and funding numerous projects that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions since 2008. Its programs and projects cover a broad spectrum of climate protection activities: From the development of long-term strategies to concrete assistance and investment support measures. This diversity is a guarantee for good ideas. The National Climate Initiative helps to anchor climate protection at local level. It benefits consumers as well as companies, municipalities and educational institutions."

    Logos of Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection and National Climate Protection Initiative
  • Cycling mission statement

    In its meeting on 04.05.2016, the Wolfsburg City Council adopted the Cycling Mission Statement, thus setting the objectives for the future of cycling in Wolfsburg.

  • Main route network

    In October 2019, the Wolfsburg City Council adopted a main route network for cycling for the first time. The cycling working group had developed this together with a commissioned planning office. Quality criteria were defined that should apply to the main routes (width, traffic routing, surfaces, etcetera).

    Currently, the bicycle traffic working group is developing a supplementary secondary route network. While the main route network is important for everyday and commuter bicycle traffic, the secondary route network is aimed at recreational bicycle traffic and provides alternative routes to the main routes.

    Based on the main and secondary cycle route network, a city-wide cycle traffic concept is to be developed that derives individual action measures for improving the infrastructure from the quality standards for the routes.

  • Bicycle city map and recreational routes

    The online bicycle city map

    The online bike city map shows you all bike lanes as well as all crossing aids, i.e. traffic lights, crosswalks and center islands. Furthermore, you can view bike and ride facilities, bicycle parking facilities as well as bicycle dealers and workshops and, of course, the courses of the various recreational routes.

    Click here for the online bicycle city map

    Leisure routes

    Need inspiration for bike trips? In and around Wolfsburg you will find a number of leisure routes with different focuses and lengths: from a small circular route to a full-day tour. For most routes there is also a flyer with tour description, route and sights:


    Developed by the environmental department of the city of Wolfsburg, this circular tour specializes in animal observation in the nature reserve. With a maximum length of 6.3 kilometers, it is also particularly interesting for children.

    Fountain and spring hike

    The walking route through the Wolfsburg city forest, marked with the dragonfly symbol, was developed by the energy and water supplier LSW and is also suitable for cyclists. Over a maximum length of 14 kilometers, it deals with the topic of water.


    This circular tour northeast of Wolfsburg is up to 48 kilometers long. Published by the Zweckverband Großraum Braunschweig (ZGB), the idea and editing came from the Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club (ADFC).

    Stork route

    The Wolfsburg Stork Route is one of three routes that the Gifhorn NABU district association has created on this topic in the region. While the main route is around 50 kilometers long, the extension route to Parsau offers an additional 25 kilometers.

    Aller cycle path

    The Aller cycle path stretches from Verden to the source of the Aller and covers around 250 kilometers. Through Wolfsburg, the route runs for around 27 kilometers along the sights of Ilkerbruch, Fallersleben Castle, the viewpoint at Klieversberg, Phaeno, Wolfsburg Castle and into the Drömling. The tourist information office at the main railway station provides information and information material along the way.


    Opened in 2016, the 62-kilometre cycle route leads along important stations in the life of Duchess Clara von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (1521 - 1576). Between Fallersleben and Gifhorn, 16 information boards tell of feuds, destruction and castle construction, of seizures, fashion and beer brewing. You can also find lots more information at:

    Velpker Switzerland

    The "Velpker Schweiz" cycle route connects the towns of Wolfsburg, Velpke and Oebisfelde on a 35-kilometre, scenically challenging circular route. The eponymous former quarry site with geologically significant rock formations and an idyllic water landscape is now a popular excursion destination.

  • Cycle paths and signposts

    Did you know that cyclists don't have to use all bike lanes? Cyclists are increasingly welcome on the roads as well. For everyone involved, this is certainly a matter of getting used to, but a sensible one. Nevertheless, there are bike lanes that must be used. This also makes sense, because sometimes cycling on the street is too dangerous.

    Cyclists are always able to take different paths than motor vehicle traffic. Therefore, special signposts for cyclists that lead along bike paths, field paths or forest paths are helpful.

    Traffic signs and regulations for cyclists

    Actually, it's quite simple: cyclists only have to use the bike lane where there are certain signs.

    Bike lane

    The bicycle lane must also be used. You can recognize it primarily by the wide, solid marking that clearly separates it from the rest of the roadway and thus from all other road users. Bicycle pictograms make this clear. Motor vehicles are not allowed to use this bicycle lane, except to access parking spaces behind it. Parking in the bike lane itself is also prohibited.

    Protective strip

    The protective strip is also becoming increasingly widespread in Wolfsburg. Along Pestalozziallee and Goethestraße, for example, the new service has been marked almost continuously on both sides over a length of one kilometer. Similar at first glance, but there are significant differences to the bike lane! The protective lane on the roadway is marked by a narrow and interrupted line. The bicycle pictogram also indicates that the lane is intended for cyclists, but it does not have to be used. This means that cyclists are allowed to use it, but can also use the alternative in the side space (if available). Motor vehicles are allowed to drive over the protective lane for a short time if necessary (e.g. to swerve). Of course, only if no cyclist is endangered.

    Sidewalk with additional sign "Bicycle free

    The use of the sidewalk is also permitted, but not obligatory, if you find the corresponding additional sign: Here it is important to note: in contrast to the joint sidewalk and bike lane, the cyclist is subordinate, i.e. not on an equal footing with pedestrians. As tolerated road users, cyclists must travel at walking speed. The "ringing away" of pedestrians is not permitted here.

    Bike lanes

    Wolfsburg now also has its first bicycle lanes: in Stresemannstraße and at the VW West parking lot. They are marked with a sign. Unless there is an additional sign (for example, "motor vehicle traffic free"), this road is intended for bicycle traffic. Bicycles are even allowed to ride side by side here. The maximum speed is 30 kilometers/hour.

    What about children?

    Children up to the age of 8 must use the sidewalk; between the ages of 8 and 10 they may choose between the sidewalk and the bike path. If an existing bike lane is not required to be used, they may also ride on the roadway.


    Electric bicycles must be viewed in a differentiated manner. Most of them are pedelecs. They have electronic pedal assistance up to 25 kilometers per hour. This means that pedelecs are legally considered bicycles and are permitted on bike paths. E-bikes that reach up to 25 kilometers/hour without pedaling are only allowed to use bike paths if they are cleared for mopeds. So-called S-pedelecs (speed pedelecs) reach a maximum speed of 45 kilometers/hour with pedaling. Thus, they are considered mopeds and are not allowed to ride on bike paths. This also applies to other e-bikes that can reach 45 kilometers per hour without pedaling.

    Arrow Guide

    The arrow signpost is usually located at major intersections or forks in the road. It contains a maximum of two destinations (usually locations) and kilometer information.

    Arrow as well as intermediate signposts

    Intermediate signposts are usually found at smaller junctions or forks in the road. They are square and indicate the route with an arrow.

    Both arrow and intermediate signposts can be either mounted on their own poles or attached to others, for example light poles, traffic signs, street names, etcetera.


    Along certain routes (for example, Allerradweg), small square logos are inserted below the arrow signs. They help with quick orientation.

  • Service for cyclists

    Switching from bike to bus and train? Does your bike need repair or are you looking for a new bike? You can find all the info you need here.

    Bike and Ride facilities

    You can park your bike at the two train stations as well as at some bus stops, so you can easily transfer to other means of transport.

    Bicycle transport

    You also have the option of taking your bike on the buses and regional trains within the Braunschweig Region (VRB) federation tariff. For this purpose, a bicycle ticket must be purchased. Please refer to the VRB tariff regulations for the individual conditions.

    Bicycle workshops and dealers

    In the Wolfsburg city area you will find the following bicycle dealers or workshops (sorted alphabetically):

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