Equal Opportunity Unit
Welcome to the website of the Equal Opportunities Department of the City of Wolfsburg!

Program for International Women's Day 2025
In today's society, being a woman is diverse and colorful. However, it is becoming clear time and again that we are only strongest when we unite. Every biography and the associated strengths and weaknesses are indispensable in overcoming social challenges.
The Equal Opportunities Department is committed to equality and equal opportunities for all genders - both within the administration and in Wolfsburg's urban society.
In concrete terms, this means that the Equal Opportunities Officer and the employees of the Equal Opportunities Department
- act as experts on issues relating to gender equality,
- participate in various working and steering groups of the city administration, city society and network partners
- work through (specialist) events, projects, collaborations and public relations work and provide impetus relevant to gender equality,
- advise employees and citizens of the City of Wolfsburg on gender equality issues and, if necessary, refer them to specialist agencies.
The topics and focal points of gender equality work are diverse and can be fast-moving. Accordingly, we focus on national, state and local issues in order to have the best possible positive impact on the living conditions of people in Wolfsburg.
In addition to other issues, we are currently focusing on the following topics:
- Combating domestic violence
- Establishing gender-equitable (administrative) language
- Reconciling family, care and work (at the City of Wolfsburg)
- Promoting women in skilled trades and STEM professions
- Breaking down gender stereotypes and role clichés
- Advice on gender diversity
We also publish an activity report to keep our work transparent for the citizens of Wolfsburg.
International Orange Days
The International Orange Days are a global campaign that takes place annually from November 25 to December 10. They are organized by UN Women to raise awareness of violence against women and girls and to call for an end to these human rights violations. November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, marks the beginning of the campaign, and December 10, International Human Rights Day, marks the end. During these 16 days, landmarks around the world will be lit up in orange to show solidarity and raise awareness of this global problem.
Criminal proceedings and me
02.12.2024 | 17:00 in the Caritas meeting place Föhrenkrug, Pestalozziallee 3, 38440 Wolfsburg
Organizer: Equal Opportunities Department in cooperation with the Braunschweig public prosecutor's officeThe Braunschweig public prosecutor's office is coming to Wolfsburg for a presentation on the course of general criminal proceedings and will explain to interested parties how criminal proceedings work and what people affected can expect. We would like to expressly point out at this point that this is purely an offer of information on the course and structure of criminal proceedings. It is not possible to answer case-related questions or provide individual legal advice in this context.
Untouchable - Protection against conversion treatments and the right to gender identity
03.12.2024 | Online at 17:00 | Organizer: Equal Opportunities Department in cooperation with Dr. Johannes Breuer and Christoph Sonnefeld
from the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA)What are conversation measures? Why are they banned? What effects do they have specifically on trans* and lesbian women? And is the Istanbul Convention being instrumentalized in the process? In this informative online lecture, Dr. Johannes Breuer and Christoph Sonnenfeld from the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) will answer these and other pressing questions. They offer deeper insights into the mechanisms of conversion treatments, their consequences and current developments in the field.
Anti-feminism - between dusty role models and right-wing terror
04.12.2024 | Online at 17:00 | Organizer: Equal Opportunities Department in cooperation with Angela Frick
Gender gaga, feminazis, translobby, early sexualization - antifeminist battle terms have become widespread in recent years, not only online but also in social and political debates. But what exactly is antifeminism? The lecture provides an overview of the phenomenon of antifeminism, its spread and forms of expression as well as its role in right-wing world views - and the danger that antifeminism poses to a democratic society. Angela Frick, freelance speaker and sociologist specializing in anti-feminism, masculinity and right-wing extremism, will provide information, clarify issues and answer questions.
Men affected by domestic violence - backgrounds, taboos and protection options
09.12.2024 | Online at 16:30 | Organizer: Equal Opportunities Department in cooperation with Torsten Siegemund, specialist at the Federal Office for the Protection and Coordination of Men against Violence (BFKM)
When it comes to domestic violence against men, the question is often asked: "Does it really exist?" However, the media are increasingly reporting on affected men and recognizing their vulnerability. This presentation will provide you with an overview of current figures and background information on men affected by domestic violence from both academic and practical perspectives. It will also shed light on how social conditions and traditional images of masculinity make it difficult for men to seek advice. Finally, the status of protection against violence for men in Germany will be presented and a conclusion drawn.
Criminal proceedings and me
Contact point for questions on gender diversity
We offer an open consultation hour on the first Tuesday of every month between 13:00 and 16:30 in our offices. The consultation is aimed at people with questions about their gender identity as well as relatives, friends and professionals
As we do not make appointments for open consultation hours, there may be waiting times.
Please make an appointment:
By telephone: 05361 28-2842
By e-mail: gleichstellung@stadt.wolfsburg.deWe offer:
- Qualified, anonymous, free and respectful advice during our open consultation hours or by appointment.
- Advice for people with questions about their gender identity (trans*/inter*/enby), parents, relatives and friends.
- Information on the Self-Determination Act, (alternative) transition paths, referral to other specialist services and support options from relatives and friends.
- Advice for professionals from various fields in case of ambiguities or uncertainties in everyday professional life when dealing with trans*-inter*- and non-binary people.
- Space for questions and uncertainties.
We are subject to confidentiality!
All conversations are confidential!Counseling at the contact point is based on the QNN quality standards for psychosocial trans* counseling in Lower Saxony.
Address: Haus der Fraktionen, 1st floor left, Goethestraße 48, 38440 Wolfsburg
The Interdisciplinary Coordination Office for Domestic Violence
The Interdisciplinary Coordination Centre for Domestic Violence (iKOST HG) for the Braunschweig region is a network of more than 50 specialist organizations, institutions and facilities that deal with the topic of domestic violence in different ways. The iKOST HG has the task of pooling the expertise of these diverse actors in order to optimize and promote support and advice for affected persons.
The cooperation agreement defines the goal of bringing institutions and organizations working in the fields of intervention and prevention of domestic violence closer together. This networking creates synergy effects that enable the further development of joint interventions, measures and structures and provide impetus for improvements.
The city administration of Wolfsburg is also a member of iKOST HG, whereby the coordination office for the implementation of the Istanbul Convention, which is located in the Equal Opportunities Department, is actively involved in the cooperation community. Through its active participation in regular networking meetings and specialist conferences within the iKOST HG, the City of Wolfsburg not only contributes to the further development of measures and structures in the area of combating domestic violence, but also benefits from the synergy effects of the cooperation community. This cooperation strengthens the local initiatives and supports the sustainable and targeted fight against domestic violence in Wolfsburg. -
AK Domestic Violence
The working group "Domestic Violence" is an interdisciplinary association of various actors from the Wolfsburg area, in order to improve the situation of those affected and to actively combat violence in partnership or family relationships.
Regular meetings are intended to facilitate an exchange between the actors and to identify current needs in the Wolfsburg area at an early stage.
March 8 Alliance
The 8th of March Alliance organizes projects and actions around the annual International Women's Day.
The following institutions, among others, are currently involved in the March 8 Alliance:
- Dialog e. V.
- ProFamilia Wolfsburg
- the Coordination Office for Women and Business
- the Wolfsburg Youth Development Office
- the integration department of the city
- the women's center "Frauen-Zimmer
- representatives of feminist theology
- representatives of the refugee aid
- Representatives of the VVN-BdA e. V.
Networking meeting of the equal opportunity commissioners
The equal opportunity commissioner of the city of Wolfsburg is networked with the equal opportunity commissioners of the surrounding cities and districts. She is also actively involved in the state working group and the federal working group of equal opportunity officers.
Within the framework of regular exchanges, current developments in politics and society are discussed in legal terms, as well as the implementation of legal principles.
Wolfsburg Diversity Week
The Wolfsburg Week for Diversity, led by the Wolfsburg Aids-Hilfe, is committed to ending homophobia and transphobia.
In the week from 11 to 17 May 2022, various actions took place in Wolfsburg to draw attention to group-based hostility and set an example for diversity, tolerance and acceptance.
AK Domestic Violence
WomenPlace Wolfsburg
What are women's places?
The life and work of women is a significant part of our culture. This special treasure is presented by "frauenORTE Niedersachsen," an initiative of the State Women's Council. For the first time, the great achievements that women have made and continue to make in the political, cultural, social, economic and scientific fields are recounted on site in the cities and regions.
Permanent exhibition commemorates Volkswagen's first female manager
In Wolfsburg, the engineer Dr.-Ing. Sibylle von Schieszl is commemorated today with a women's place. More than 40 years ago, she was the first woman to rise to the top of the Volkswagen Group. She was also a co-founder of the Soroptimist International Club Wolfsburg in 1963.
Among others, Jörg Röhmann (State Secretary of the Lower Saxony Ministry for Social Affairs, Health and Equal Opportunities), former Lord Mayor Klaus Mohrs, Cornelia Klaus (Chairwoman of the State Women's Council e.V.), Elke Heitmüller (Head of Women's Promotion Volkswagen AG), Dr. Manfred Grieger (Head of Historical Communication Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft), Martina Witkowski (Works Council Volkswagen AG), Michel Junge (Managing Director phæno gGmbH) and Beate Ebeling (Equal Opportunities Officer City of Wolfsburg) participated.
The frauenORT in the VW Lounge at phæno honors the work of Sibylle von Schieszl with a detailed presentation of her life story and exhibits on her scientific activities. On display are exhibits dealing with the viscosity of oils, the subject of Sibylle von Schieszl's doctoral thesis. The exhibits allow visitors to see and feel how oils behave in different ways. Two of the three exhibits were built especially for frauenORT by Volkswagen trainees.
Ministry for Social Affairs, Health and Equality. State Secretary Jörg Röhmann: "Unfortunately, historiography often still focuses too much on men and their achievements, so that one sometimes has to search for "women's history" and its outstanding figures. The project frauenORTE remedies this situation and draws attention to women, e.g. from culture, politics or science, in a mostly entertaining way. I would therefore like to thank the State Women's Council for its initiative and for the creative ideas for the frauenORTEN. But my thanks also go to the cooperation partners here on site, the city's Equal Opportunities Department, Women's Promotion, the Works Council and Historical Communications of Volkswagen Wolfsburg and the Phaeno."
"Finally, there is also a women's place in Wolfsburg. Sibylle von Schieszl can be a great role model for young women in particular and encourage them to take up a technical profession. In Wolfsburg, our booming business location, we need the skills of girls and women in these areas as well," explained former Lord Mayor Klaus Mohrs.
"Physicist Dr.-Ing. Sibylle von Schieszl was already able to make a name for herself as a recognized scientist and manager as an engineer in the 1960s and 1970s. In other words, at a time when neither a career nor an occupation in the natural sciences, let alone as a manager, were a matter of course for women. With the frauenORT Sybille von Schieszl, one of the pioneers in science and education in Lower Saxony is thus honored," Beate Ebeling emphasized.
In addition to the main location in the phaeno with a lot of information about the life of Sibylle von Schieszl, the city's equal opportunities department has published an information flyer. This flyer is dedicated to Sibylle von Schieszl, but also presents an inner-city walk that provides information on other Wolfsburg women from the field of technology in the broadest sense.
frauenORTE is an initiative of the Landesfrauenrat Niedersachsen e.V. (Lower Saxony Women's Council), which brings the lives and work of important historical women to life and makes them better known to the public. Their achievements in the political, cultural, social, economic or scientific fields are to be highlighted and honored.
The Sibylle von Schieszl Women's Place was created in cooperation with the Landesfrauenrat Niedersachsen e.V. (Lower Saxony State Women's Council), Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft, the phaeno interactive experience museum, the Soroptimist Club Wolfsburg, Wirtschaft und Marketing GmbH (WMG) and the Equal Opportunities Department of the City of Wolfsburg.
City of Wolfsburg
Equal Opportunities Department
Goethestrasse 48
38440 WolfsburgPhone: 05361 28-2842
E-mail: gleichstellung@stadt.wolfsburg.de