Cultural promotion of the city of Wolfsburg

Wolfsburg cultural pillars
The city of Wolfsburg has nine cultural pillars that provide free advertising space for Wolfsburg's cultural scene.
Contact person:
Lisa Marie Fischer
Phone: 05361 28-2364
E-mail: -
Promotion of cultural projects and anniversaries
Funding is provided to artists, associations, private initiatives and other sponsors whose objectives are clearly related to cultural or local heritage and customs and who are based in the Wolfsburg city area.
- To the online application
- To online billing
- Guidelines for the promotion of cultural projects and anniversaries
- Information in accordance with Article 13 GDPR
Contact person:
Jan Blaszczyk
Phone: 05361 28-1595
E-Mail: -
Musical promotion
Choirs, marching bands and fanfare bands, orchestras and dance groups may be awarded grants and subsidies under certain conditions.
- To the online application
- Guidelines for the promotion of choirs, marching bands, orchestras and dance groups
Contact person:
Jan Blaszczyk
Phone: 05361 28-1595
E-Mail: -
Local and cultural associations
Under the conditions laid down in this guideline, local history preservationists as well as local history and cultural associations working for our city in the city and local districts can apply for financial support for the rental of premises required for their work.
Contact person:
Jan Blaszczyk
Phone: 05361 28-1595
E-Mail: - Other funding opportunities
Guide Culture and Foundations
A guide to founders and foundations in Germany, foundation directories, "perfect" grant applications, and much more.