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Wolfsburg Agenda 21

For a sustainable Wolfsburg

Wolfsburg citizens have been committed to Wolfsburg's Agenda 21 for years. Would you like to join in?

All interested parties are welcome to take part in the open Agenda21 process. Ideas, measures and projects for a sustainable Wolfsburg will be developed in two Agenda21 forums. You are also welcome to contribute your own topics. The focus is currently on the following topics:

  • Conservation of biodiversity
  • North-South cooperation

You can find information on the current topics and dates of the two forums under "Agenda21 forum dates". You are also welcome to use the following contact details to obtain information and contribute your ideas and topics:

  • Contact

    City of Wolfsburg
    Agenda 21 Office
    City Hall B, Room 430
    Porschestraße 49
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Telephone: 05361 28-2513
    Fax: 05361 28-1877
    E-mail to the Agenda 21 office

  • Agenda21 forums dates
  • Agenda 21- Forum "Conservation of biological diversity

    Date:- to be announced -
    Time: - to be announced -
    Place: - to be announced -

    Agenda items: - to be announced -

    For further information please contact the Agend 21 office (see contact)

  • Agenda 21 Forum "North-South Cooperation

    Date: - to be announced -
    Time: - to be announced -
    Place: - to be announced -
    Agenda items: - to be announced -

  • Wolfsburg Agenda 21

    Since 2000, citizens, associations, companies, churches and other groups in Wolfsburg have been committed to sustainable development and have drawn up a Wolfsburg Agenda21, which the city council unanimously adopted as the guiding principle for city policy.

    Agenda21 goes back to the 1992 environmental conference in Rio, at which the United Nations adopted a comprehensive action program that takes equal account of ecological, economic and social concerns in order to shape globalization in a fair and sustainable way.

    You can download the current Wolfsburg Agenda21 with its sustainable goals, measures and projects here.

  • Projects

    Since the Agenda 21 process began in 2000, numerous projects have been initiated, worked on and implemented. On the following page you can find out about some projects and measures in Wolfsburg.

  • Involved

    The following institutions are actively involved in Wolfsburg's Agenda21 (in alphabetical order):

    • German Bicycle Club (ADFC)
    • Kindernothilfe working group
    • Wolfsburg e.V. advisory council for the disabled
    • Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND)
    • Citizens
    • German Traffic Watch Wolfsburg e.V.
    • Eine-Welt-Verein e.V. and world store Pueblo
    • Protestant Church
    • Greenpeace
    • Catholic Church
    • District beekeepers association
    • Nature discovery station (NEST)
    • Nature conservation association (Nabu)
    • Nature conservation center
    • Nature conservation officer of the city of Wolfsburg
    • Ornithological working group Barnbruch
    • Politics
    • City of Wolfsburg
    • Public utility
    • Consumer advice center
    • Association for the preservation of local history
    • German Traffic Club (VCD)
    • Volkswagen AG
    • Wolfsburg Transport Company (WVG)
    • and many more

  • Chronicle

    Local Agenda 21 topic in the environmental committee

    Council resolution on the city mission statement and thus on Local Agenda 21

    Establishment of the Agenda 21 office

    Round table of educational institutions, symposia on ecological building, working group at the adult education center

    Formation of the steering committee of Wolfsburg Agenda 21

    First day of the Wolfsburg Agenda 21: 50 associations and institutions present their Agenda 21 projects. A participation process open to all citizens is initiated. The Agenda 21 forums are founded.

    The Wolfsburg Declaration on Joint Action for Climate Protection is agreed.

    Report on the Wolfsburg Declaration was published.

    On 03.02.2010, the Wolfsburg Agenda 21 was unanimously adopted by the Wolfsburg City Council, making it the guiding principle for future policy.

    On 22.06.2016, the Council of the City of Wolfsburg unanimously decides to make the updated Wolfsburg Agenda21 the guideline of its future city policy.

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