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Accessibility statement


Information on the accessibility of this website in accordance with Section 9b of the Lower Saxony Disability Equality Act (NBGG) and on how to contact us.

This declaration on accessibility applies to

As a municipality, we strive to make our website and mobile applications accessible in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Disability Equality Act (BGG) and the Accessible Information Technology Ordinance (BITV 2.0) for the implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/882 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

The accessibility requirements are set out in sections 3 (1) to (4) and 4 of BITV 2.0, which was issued on the basis of section 12d BGG.

This largely corresponds to the standard of the "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1" (WCAG 2.1 to Level AA).

Feedback and contact details

If you encounter barriers on our pages, miss something or want to point out errors or obstacles to us, please feel free to contact us by e-mail, by phone 05361 28-1652

Preparation of the declaration

This declaration was updated on February 14, 2025. The assessment is based on a self-assessment. Based on this review, the website is only partially compliant with the aforementioned requirements due to the following points. Some content is not accessible.

These aids are already available to you

Eye-Able assistance software

Das Logo von Eye-AbleOn our website, we offer you the Eye-Able assistance software from Web Inclusion GmbH. This software is used to improve the accessibility of the website. By using Eye-Able, you can customize the web interface according to your own needs.

To enable you to make these adjustments, please read the following explanation of the assistance software.

  • Read the explanation of the Eye-Able assistance software here

    First steps

    You can open EyeAble by clicking on the button shown on the right-hand side of the page.

    The corresponding menu can also be opened using the keyboard shortcut "ALT 1".

    All functions can also be controlled using the keyboard. For instructions, use the key combination "ALT F1".

    Das Barrierefreiheitssymbol - ein weißes Strichmännchen auf schwarzem Hintergrund

    After clicking on the button, the menu with the display of the Eye-Able functions opens

    Das Menü der Assistenzsoftware Eye-Able

    Basic information about the assistance software can be found at the top right by clicking on the symbol with the i

    Das Infofenster

    After clicking on the symbol with the i, a window with the name "Info page" opens. There you will find FAQ help, mail support and an overview of shortcuts and tips

    Das Infofenster im Detail

    By clicking on the "FAQ Help" button, you will be directed to the Eye-Able website. There you will find the Help Center

    Das Hilfecenter von Eye-Able mit der Übersicht der Fragen und Antworten zu den wichtigsten Themen

    Explanation of the individual functions

    Save settings:

    You have the option of saving all the individual settings you have made below.


    Font size adjustment:

    Here you first have the option of setting the font size in levels from 1 to 15 so that it is easy for you to read


    Advanced font size adjustment functions:

    By clicking on "More settings", you can use sliders to adjust the zoom, font size, line, word and character spacing, as well as text alignment

    Abbildung der weitere Funktionen innerhalb der Schriftgrößenanpassung

    Contrast mode:

    Here you have the option of adjusting the font and background colors for optimum contrast


    Activate blue filter:

    Here you have the option of adjusting the color intensity to make it easier on the eyes


    Night mode:

    With night mode, you set the contrast to a level that is easy on the eyes


    Read website aloud:

    This screen reader reads out the website or individual content. It is operated using the mouse or keyboard


    Color weakness:

    Here, all colors are adjusted by an algorithm to compensate for color weaknesses, such as a red-green weakness


    Hide images:

    All images on the website or in this tool are hidden


    More functions:

    Advanced settings such as automatic blue filter, a larger mouse pointer or switching off animations and sounds can be made here.


    Reset everything:

    Of course, you also have the option of resetting all the settings you have made. Simply click on this button


Videos in sign language

Six videos in sign language are currently available at These videos have been created using the municipal sign language avatar.

The range of videos in sign language will be expanded in the near future.

Restrictions/not yet accessible content


iFrames are not integrated barrier-free

PDF documents and forms

Older PDF documents that were created before the current accessibility guidelines came into force may not be accessible. These are to be gradually replaced by accessible PDF documents or deleted if necessary. Newly uploaded files should be created in an accessible version in future.


Links to external applications or web presences outside of may lead to content that is not accessible.


Not all videos have subtitles. Old files are not subtitled, but newly uploaded videos are uploaded with subtitles. Where necessary and appropriate, audio descriptions are or will be added.

Easy/simple language

We are currently working on translations into easy/simple language.

Audio files

Many audio files already have audio descriptions. Old audio files may not have audio descriptions. Newly uploaded files should be provided with audio descriptions.

Other notes


If you do not receive satisfactory answers from the above contact option, you can apply to the conciliation board, set up at the state representative for people with disabilities in Lower Saxony, to initiate conciliation proceedings in accordance with the Lower Saxony Disability Equality Act (NBGG).
The conciliation board according to section 9 d NBGG has the task of settling disputes between people with disabilities and public bodies of the state of Lower Saxony, on the subject of accessibility in IT. The conciliation procedure is free of charge. No legal counsel needs to be involved.

You can contact the conciliation office directly at:

Phone: 0511 120-4010

By using this function, you agree that the data may also be transferred to third countries, outside the European Economic Area, without an adequate level of data protection (especially USA). It is possible that authorities may access the data without any legal remedy. You can revoke your consent at any time. Further information: Privacy policy