Partnership for democracy
We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting project applications for 2025 again! You are welcome to take advantage of an initial telephone consultation before submitting your application (05361-285008) |
About us
The BMFSFJ's federal "Live Democracy!" program has been funding projects to strengthen democracy and diversity in Germany since 2015. The aim is to combat extremism, racism and other forms of group-based misanthropy and promote democratic engagement. Local partnerships for democracy and nationwide model projects support local actors. The program offers scope for innovative approaches to preventing and promoting democratic values. It is aimed at civil society, local authorities and educational institutions.
The Partnerships for Democracy are a central component of the federal "Live Democracy!" program. In these local alliances, municipal actors, associations, initiatives and committed citizens work together to promote democracy and diversity locally. They develop and support projects that counter extremism and discrimination and strengthen democratic coexistence. Innovative ideas and sustainable approaches to prevention work are promoted. Each partnership is supported by a monitoring committee and a youth forum. If you are interested in submitting an application or would like advice on this, please contact us or take a look here!
The Partnership for Democracy Wolfsburg is also integrated into the Dialogue Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization and the Promotion of Democracy. As part of this network, the PfD benefits from close cooperation with local stakeholders such as schools, security authorities and the city administration. All stakeholders work together to develop measures to prevent extremism and strengthen democratic values in the city.

Youth Forum
The Youth Forum is a central component of the Partnership for Democracy and offers young people the opportunity to actively participate in shaping and strengthening local democracy. In Wolfsburg, the Youth Forum plays an important role by initiating its own projects, awarding funding and acting as a mouthpiece for the interests and concerns of young people. It creates space for creative engagement and promotes discussion of socially relevant topics such as tolerance, diversity and the prevention of extremism. Through their active participation, young people learn about democratic processes and take responsibility for their community. Depending on interests and project ideas, the youth forum meets at least once a month and sometimes every two weeks.
Are you between the ages of 13 and 27 and would you like to stand up for democracy and actively make a difference? Then become part of our youth forum! Here you can contribute your own ideas, implement exciting projects and help shape the future in Wolfsburg. Please get in touch using one of the contact addresses.
Project: "What if it happened to you?"
The original idea of this project was to create an exhibition that would draw attention to human rights violations. As a youth forum, it was particularly important to us to draw Wolfsburg's attention to the situation of the Uyghurs, as very little is otherwise known about it. The idea of putting up mirrors with slogans came from the Uyghur Youth Initiative, which had already implemented this project. We suggested doing the same in cooperation with them. We chose sayings that would encourage viewers to think and reflect while looking at their own reflection. We also provided QR codes to provide further information on the situation in East Turkestan.
At the opening event of our exhibition in the town hall, we also wanted to introduce visitors to the culture of the Uyghurs. That is why there was authentic food, traditional music and the opportunity to take photos in traditional clothing. After the joint opening evening, the mirrors and information posters remained on display in the town hall for some time and were accessible to the public.
Educational trip: "Brussels trip"
As a small group in the Youth Forum, we hadn't had many opportunities to get to know politics up close and were not very well networked, so we were delighted to have the opportunity to take part in a political education trip together with the Youth Advisory Council. We had already set up smaller projects, but the visit to the EU Parliament was ideal for gaining a better understanding of the political system and dealing with it for future projects.
Previously, we had only met individual members of the Youth Council, but the time we spent together in the hostel and on the excursions quickly turned us into a large group. Similar to the Youth Forum meetings, there was a mixture of a relaxed atmosphere and discussion of politics, especially the upcoming European elections at the time. To motivate young people to vote, we shot videos for social media during the trip. The excursions to the European Parliament Visitor Center ("Parlamentarium") and the European Parliament were exciting, but we also noticed the darker side of Brussels. Our hostel, which was located just outside the city center, showed us that Brussels is also a city of poverty and crime, which was at least as educational as the educational trip itself. All in all, the trip to Brussels, with interesting excursions, discussions with members of parliament and the tour of the city, was not only a political education, but also a really cool trip with other politically interested young people.
We support many projects that promote a strong and diverse democratic community in Wolfsburg. Below we present a selection of the projects that have been realized this year as part of the Partnership for Democracy. These diverse initiatives reflect the commitment and creativity of our stakeholders and show how active and vibrant democracy is in Wolfsburg. Please note that this is only a small selection and that many other exciting projects have also been carried out.
The "Equality" project is a photography exhibition for children and adults that focuses on the value of equality. It is the result of a partnership between the Ehmen-Mörse elementary school in Wolfsburg and the Joyful Learning School in Sunyani, Ghana. Portraits of Ghanaian and German children were juxtaposed and accompanied by quotes from the children. A pair of 2 portraits of children was formed if there was a great similarity in the answers to what makes the child happy or sad. The compilation of the pictures of the German and Ghanaian partner pupils is intended to encourage people to recognize in diversity what connects all people - no matter where they come from.
The sensitive portraits of children from both schools are intended to show a world beyond skin color and origin, in which everyone is connected by their humanity. This connectedness emerges in the children's answers. The exhibition, sponsored by the Partnership for Democracy, was presented at a charity concert, the Africa Network Conference and at World Children's Day.
Water lily
In the "Seerose" project, a music video was shot by Wolfsburg rapper Adalet that focuses on important democratic values. The video tells the story of two main characters: a refugee child from the Gaza Strip and a police officer. It is intended to set an example of empathy and humanity by drawing attention to the challenges and suffering of underage asylum seekers who have fled. In an impressive key scene, the policeman helps the child up again and gives him attention and trust. The scene symbolizes the need to build bridges between people of different backgrounds and perspectives.
According to the artist, the music video (click here to watch the video) is also in memory of the deceased police officer Rouven L., who lost his life in the knife attack in Mannheim on May 31, 2024. "Seerose" is a fine example of how music has the power to promote social values and contribute to a culture of togetherness.
As part of the Partnership for Democracy, projects can be submitted as mini-projects or large-scale projects . Mini-projects have a budget of up to 1,000 euros and are approved directly by the Coordination and Specialist Office (KuF), which enables quick and uncomplicated implementation. Large-scale projects , on the other hand, exceed this amount and must be presented to the Monitoring Committee (BGA), which decides on approval. Funding is available for projects that deal with topics such as right-wing extremism, Islamophobia, Islamism or Salafism, anti-Semitism, the promotion of democracy in the community, social coexistence, the promotion of diversity, media literacy and the culture of remembrance .
Interested parties can contact us at any time for advice and support with applications for mini-projects or large-scale projects. Whether it's the idea, the preparation of the application or the presentation to the monitoring committee - we are happy to help.
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
What does PfD WOB mean?
The abbreviation "PfD WOB" stands for the "Partnership for Democracy in Wolfsburg". The PfD is part of the federal "Live Democracy!" program and promotes projects and events to strengthen democracy, tolerance and coexistence in Wolfsburg.
What is "Living Democracy!"?
"Demokratie leben!" is a funding program from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. The Partnership for Democracy in Wolfsburg is part of this program.
What does "KuF" mean?
The abbreviation "KuF" stands for Koordinierungs- und Fachstelle. It is responsible for advising on applications and organizing projects. In addition, KuF is the first point of contact for all factual and content-related questions concerning the funding program.
What does the "lead office" do?
The lead office takes care of financial and administrative matters, such as the correct use of funding and forwarding it to the projects for funding. In addition, it is the first point of contact for the coordination and specialist office and is responsible for the legal and content-related implementation of the project.
What is the PfD Youth Forum?
Our youth forum consists of several young people who meet regularly and plan projects together. The youth forum is open to all young people and also serves as a networking opportunity for young people.
What is the Monitoring Committee for?
The Monitoring Committee is a committee that meets regularly to decide on the funding of major projects. The members are volunteers and come from all areas of Wolfsburg's urban society. The current meeting dates can be found HERE. There are currently 16 voting members on the committee.
What is the Action and Initiative Fund?
With the help of the Action and Initiative Fund, the Partnership for Democracy can provide funding for projects.
The grant application
Who can submit project proposals?
Project applications can only be submitted by organizations that are organized as non-profit legal entities (e.g. foundations or registered associations). Initiatives and alliances without a fixed organizational structure as well as individuals cannot submit project applications. However, there are often sponsors who submit an application on behalf of individuals and forward the money accordingly. The coordination and specialist office of the Partnership for Democracy Wolfsburg is available to provide advice and arrange contacts (please refer to our name as a hyperlink). Applicants are always advised to contact the coordination and specialist office at an early stage and seek advice.
All organizations wishing to receive project funding must be committed to the free and democratic basic order.
What is not promoted?
- Political parties and their youth departments/organizations
- Projects that run across calendars
- Projects that have already been started or completed
- Activities or projects that are covered by the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Projects and campaigns that do not serve our funding priorities
What is promoted?
Projects and actions are supported that take place in Wolfsburg and thereby strengthen local democracy, diversity and tolerance.
Which topics and areas are eligible?
(1) Promoting and strengthening engagement relevant to the program.
- Strengthening a vibrant, diverse local democratic civil society
- Establishing and further developing procedures for democratic participation, including developing and testing innovative approaches to participation
- Raising social awareness of right-wing extremist, anti-Semitic or racist activities as well as other phenomena hostile to democracy and the rule of law, and strengthening public engagement against these phenomena
- Activities against phenomena of group-based hostility to people, in particular also against antiziganism, Islamophobia and Muslimophobia and homophobia and transphobia
- Strengthening of self-organization and self-help in the thematic field with increased involvement of migrant self-organizations and Muslim communities
- Developing a culture of support and appreciation for voluntary commitment in all thematic areas of the program, especially in the area of the
- Welcome culture, to reduce resentment and prevent violence, agitation and hostility toward immigrants
- Development of "security and prevention" concepts
(2) Promoting the development of a diverse local culture of coexistence
- Further development of approaches and concepts of intergenerational work
- Promotion of civic engagement and active citizen participation
- Promotion of intercultural and interreligious coexistence
- Promotion of democratic coexistence in the immigration society
- Promotion of the recognition of diverse ways of life (diversity orientation)
(3) Promotion of the handling of program-relevant local problem situations
- Promotion of the ability to react to socio-spatial conflict situations
- Improvement of socio-cultural integration
(4) Additional funding priority "media competence
- Strengthening media resilience to the mechanisms of action of conspiracy theories through education.
- Increasing media literacy and information processing skills among young people and multipliers.
(5) Additional funding priority "Classism
How and where can applications be made?
You can download the application documents from the website
Project application - Live democracy! (
The application is automatically sent as a pdf file to the Coordination and Specialist Office of the Partnership for Democracy Wolfsburg via the online form. In order to successfully apply for and carry out projects, advice from the specialist and coordination office is recommended (here is a link to the contact details "). -
What are the application forms and how are the applications decided?
In the online form, you can choose between mini-projects (funding amount up to a maximum of 1,000 euros) and large projects (funding amount over 1,000 euros).
(1) Mini projects: The mini-projects are checked by the Partnership for Democracy's coordination and specialist office to ensure that they are correct in terms of form and content. A funding recommendation is then made if necessary and all documents are forwarded to the lead office (located in the administration of the City of Wolfsburg). From there, the projects then receive a funding decision and the funds for the project.
(2) Major projects: Major projects undergo the same review process as mini-projects. However, a decision on the funding of the project is made at a monitoring committee meeting. If the application is approved, the sponsors receive a funding decision and the funds following the monitoring committee meeting.
What else do I need to consider when filling out the application?
The application form is as broad as possible in order to accommodate project applications of different orientations. Not every funding application has to fill in all text fields completely. If, for good reason, you do not wish to invest any work in one area (e.g. public relations), this need not be a disadvantage. If in doubt, you are welcome to contact the coordination and specialist unit.
(1) Funding period
Funding is only granted for the current calendar year (project completion by December 31 of the current year). Projects must therefore use the funds within the funding year.
(2) Target group
Our target groups are children, young people up to the age of 27, parents and other guardians, educational professionals, multipliers and many more
What does PfD WOB mean?
Youth division
Planning, Quality and Control Unit
Dialogue Office for the Prevention of Radicalization and the Promotion of Democracy
Lessingstraße 12, D-38440 Wolfsburg
Niklas Titgemeyer
Phone: 49 5361 28-5008
Mobile: 49 170 7036420
Christian Radatus
Phone: 49 5361 28-1628
Mobile: 49 151 22780352