Political bodies
Decision-making processes in the city
The political bodies of the city of Wolfsburg are elected in local elections. The city's most important body is the city council. There are also other bodies that prepare, discuss and help shape the political decision-making process in the city. This page gives you an overview of all the political bodies that are important for the city.
Overview of the political bodies
Currently, the citizens of Wolfsburg have elected seven parties to the city council. In addition to the generally known mainstream parties such as the SPD, CDU, FDP, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and the AfD, the Wolfsburg parliament also includes the local PUG.
The six political groups represented on the Wolfsburg City Council:
Together with the Council, the Administrative Committee is another important decision-making body of the City of Wolfsburg. The Administrative Committee (VA) differs fundamentally from the other committees of the Council, which only make recommendations for decision-making: The Administrative Committee is an independent body of the city. In cooperation with the City Council as well as the Lord Mayor, it directs the fate of the city.
13 specialist committees support the city council in its work. These committees get down to business: issues are discussed in detail, alternatives are considered or additions are made to the administration's proposals.
In the specialist committees, decisions are so well prepared that the Council can often agree unanimously, thus finding more time for important political discussions.
The committees usually meet in public. Anyone can attend these meetings.
The 13 specialist committees
- Committee for Citizen Services and Fire Department
- Committee for Environment, Climate Protection and Sustainability
- Committee for Finance, Controlling and Budget Consolidation
- Committee for Migration and Integration
- Committee for Strategic Planning, Business, Digitization and Urban Development (Strategy Committee)
- Youth Welfare Committee
- Hospital Committee
- Cultural Committee
- Planning and building committee
- School and Education Committee
- Social and Health Committee
- Sports Committee
- Reallocation Committee
16 local councils represent the interests of the local and city districts in the area of the City of Wolfsburg. The number of localities and local councils has been determined by the Council in the main statutes of the City of Wolfsburg.
The local councils are newly elected with every municipal election, i.e. every five years. The local mayors are the chairmen of the local councils and are elected by them at the constituent meeting (first meeting of the election period).
The 16 local councils
- Local council Almke/Neindorf
- Local council Barnstorf/Nordsteimke
- Local council Brackstedt/Velstove/Warmenau
- Detmerode local council
- Local council Ehmen/Mörse
- Local council Fallersleben/Sülfeld
- Local council Hattorf/Heiligendorf
- Local council Hehlingen
- Local council Kästorf/Sandkamp
- Local council center-west
- Local council Neuhaus/Reislingen
- Local council Nordstadt
- City Council Stadtmitte
- Local council Vorsfelde
- Wendschott local council
- Westhagen local council
Advisory Board on Procurement
Many decisions of the political committees are prepared in special bodies. These bodies, often referred to as forums, advisory boards, commissions, steering committees, working groups or steering groups, are generally made up of representatives from politics, administration and experts from business and society.
Note: The following list of informal bodies between politics and administration is exemplary and not exhaustive.
Listing of committees active by business area:
Business Unit Citizen Services
- Agenda Steering Committee
- Agenda Forum North-South Cooperation
- Agendaforum sustainable settlement development/transportation
- Agendaforum Preservation of Biological Diversity
- Crime Prevention Steering Group
Youth Division
- Children and Youth Commission/Youth Welfare Planning
- Play Space Commission
- Lump-sum commission
- Fan Project Advisory Council
- Development needs Wolfsburg day care
Social Affairs Division
- Advisory council for people with disabilities
- Nursing Conference
Health Division
- Social psychiatric association
- Round table on medical care
Culture Division
- Advisory council for the allocation of cultural funding
- Advisory council for cultural development plan
- Arts Advisory Council
Road Construction and Project Coordination Division
- Traffic Steering Group
- Bicycle traffic working group
Integration Department
- Jury Integration Award
- Immigration working group
City of Wolfsburg
Council and legal matters
Dr. Baedermann
Porschestrasse 49
38440 Wolfsburg
Telephone: 05361 28-2194
Fax: 05361 28-1880
E-mail: sekretariat.ratundrecht@stadt.wolfsburg.de