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Housing, environment & Transport

Wolles Info Café

with the baby visiting service of the city of Wolfsburg

WOLLES INFO CAFÉ is an information meeting of the Baby Visiting Service for pregnant women and new parents, mothers and fathers. You will receive a wide range of information on various topics relating to pregnancy and the new life situation with your baby.

WOLLES INFO CAFÉ informs you about official matters, options and registration channels for child daycare, courses and leisure activities with a baby as well as advice and support options.

Wool with diaper and the lettering Wolles Info Café

You will find out what you need to apply for, organize and consider, who you can turn to and where you can get support if needed.

WOLLES INFO CAFÉ offers the opportunity to ask individual questions, discuss your own issues with staff and other visitors and make new contacts.

The staff are also happy to listen to minor and major concerns. Individual counseling sessions can be arranged if required.
Visit WOLLES INFO CAFÈ in the Wolfsburg city area!

Dates for the year 2025 will follow!


Registration not required. If you have any questions, please contact:


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