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Economy & Digital

Future concepts Supply centers

A good supply of essential goods and services close to where people live is crucial to a city's quality of life.

With the "Special Project Future Concepts for Supply Centers", the City of Wolfsburg and the Economic Development Department of Wolfsburg Wirtschaft und Marketing GmbH are working to sustainably maintain and actively develop the existing structures.

Many of the 16 local supply centers defined in Wolfsburg's retail development plan 2009/2010, the other areas with a local retail function and some solitary locations were created in the 1960s and 1970s. Since then, the conditions for high-quality local supply have changed considerably. Today, both retailers and consumers have demands on supply structures that can no longer be met by aging centers. In order to prevent store closures and vacancies, the special project "Future Concepts for Supply Centers" was initiated in September 2012, initially taking an exemplary look at the local council area Mitte-West.

Flyer of the special project Future Concepts Supply Centers

The project includes:

  • Development of a new local supply concept for the Mitte-West area.
  • Examination of the implementation of a municipal support program to strengthen the local local supply locations
  • If necessary, its implementation
  • Development of implementation-oriented action plans for the sustainable transformation of existing centers
  • Use of the results for updating the retail development plan
  • Development of a guideline for local supply development in the entire urban area
  • Continuous participation and integration of local actors and multipliers, among other things in the form of surveys and on-site meetings.
  • Regular presentation of interim results at local council meetings
  • Press and public relations work

Wolfsburg is investing in its quality of life. Because a functioning local supply system means sustainability. For its residents, its retail operators and its investors.

With the special project of future concepts for supply centers, the city of Wolfsburg is doing pioneering work and is uniquely committed to the timely and sustainable further development of its local supply.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


  • Contact

    Wolfsburg Economy and Marketing GmbH
    Trade and Centers
    Thomas Werner
    Porschestrasse 2
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Phone: 05361 89994-61
    Fax: 05361 89994-5561
    E-mail to Wolfsburg Wirtschaft und Marketing GmbH

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