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European elections 2024

Election to the 10th European Parliament on June 09, 2024

How did Wolfsburg vote?

  • Official announcement

    Election announcement

    1. on 09.06.2024 the following election will be held in the Federal Republic of Germany

    election to the 10th European Parliament

    will take place.

    The election will last from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm.

    2. the municipality is divided into 103 general electoral districts.

    The election notifications sent to eligible voters in the period from 29.04.2024 to 19.05.2024 specify the polling district and the polling station in which the voter has to vote. The postal ballot boards will meet at 3:30 p.m. in City Hall A, meeting room 1, and in the Ratsgymnasium to determine the result of the postal ballot.

    3. every person entitled to vote can only vote in the polling station of the electoral district in whose electoral roll he/she is entered.

    Voters must bring their polling card and an official identity card - EU citizens a valid identity card - or passport with them to the election.

    The polling card should be handed in at the election.

    Voting takes place with official ballot papers. Each voter receives an official ballot paper when entering the polling station.

    Each voter has one vote.

    The ballot paper contains the name of the party and its abbreviation or the name of the other political association and its password under a consecutive number, as well as the first 10 candidates of each of the approved election proposals and a circle to the right of the name of the person entitled to make the election proposal for identification.

    Each voter casts his/her vote in such a way

    by making a cross in a circle or otherwise clearly indicating on the right-hand side of the ballot paper which nomination they wish to vote for.

    The ballot paper must be marked in a voting booth in the polling station or in a special adjoining room and folded in such a way that the vote cannot be seen.

    No photographs or videos may be taken in the polling booth.

    4 The election process and the subsequent determination and ascertainment of the election result in the electoral district are public. Everyone has access insofar as this is possible without interfering with the election process.

    5. voters who have a polling card may participate in the election in the district or independent city in which the polling card is issued

    a) by casting their vote in any polling district of the district/city or

    b) by postal vote


    Anyone wishing to vote by postal ballot must obtain an official ballot paper, an official ballot paper envelope and an official ballot letter envelope from the municipal authority and send their ballot letter with the ballot paper (in a sealed ballot paper envelope) and the signed polling card to the office indicated on the ballot letter envelope in good time so that it is received there by 6 p.m. on the election day at the latest. The ballot letter can also be handed in at the
    office indicated.

    6 Each person entitled to vote may exercise his/her right to vote only once and only in person. This also applies to persons entitled to vote who are also entitled to vote for the European Parliament in another Member State of the European Union. The right to vote may not be exercised by a representative instead of the person entitled to vote (Section 6 (4) of the European Elections Act).

    A person entitled to vote who is unable to read or who is prevented from casting his/her vote due to a disability may use the assistance of another person for this purpose. The assistance is limited to technical help in expressing a voting decision made and expressed by the voter him/herself. Assistance is not permitted if it is provided under improper influence, if it replaces or changes the voter's self-determined will or decision or if there is a conflict of interest.
    or if there is a conflict of interest on the part of the assisting person (Section 6 (4a) of the European Elections Act).

    Anyone who votes without authorization or otherwise brings about an incorrect result of an election or falsifies the result is liable to a custodial sentence of up to five years or a monetary penalty. Unauthorized voting also includes anyone who casts a vote contrary to the decision of the person entitled to vote or without an expressed decision of the person entitled to vote. The attempt is punishable (Section 107a (1) and (3) of the Criminal Code).

    Wolfsburg, 22.05.2024

    The municipal returning officer
    Dennis Weilmann

    Notice to nationals of the other Member States of the European Union (citizens of the Union) on the election to the European Parliament in the Federal Republic of Germany on June 9, 2024

    On June 9, 2024, the tenth election of Members of the European Parliament from the Federal Republic of Germany will take place. You can actively participate in this election if you live in the Federal Republic of Germany or otherwise usually reside there and, on election day

    1. are a citizen of one of the other member states of the European Union,
    2. have reached the age of 16,
    3. have been resident or otherwise ordinarily resident in the Federal Republic of Germany or in the other Member States of the European Union for at least three months. A consecutive stay in the aforementioned territories is counted towards the three-month period,
    4. are not excluded from the right to vote in elections to the European Parliament pursuant to Section 6a (2) EuWG either in the Federal Republic of Germany or in the Member State of the European Union of which you are a national,
    5. are entered in a voters' register in the Federal Republic of Germany. First-time registration is only possible upon application. The application must be submitted on a form by May 19, 2024 at the latest.

    An application for entry in a German electoral roll that is received by the competent municipal authority after May 19, 2024 can no longer be granted (Section 17a (2) of the European Election Regulations).

    If you have already been entered in a voters' register of the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of your application in the election on June 13, 1999 or a later election to the European Parliament, a new application is not required. The entry is then made ex officio, provided that the other requirements under electoral law are met. This does not apply if you apply to the competent municipal authority on a form by the 21st day before the election stated above to not be included in the voters' register. This application is valid for all future elections to the European Parliament until you submit another application for entry on the electoral roll.

    If you were entered in a voters' register in the Federal Republic of Germany in previous elections (1979 to 1994), you must submit a new application for entry in the voters' register in order to take part in the election.

    If you have moved abroad and then moved back to the Federal Republic of Germany, you must re-apply to be entered in the voters' register.

    The right to vote may only be exercised once and only in person. This also applies to persons entitled to vote who are also entitled to vote for the European Parliament in another Member State of the European Union. The right to vote may not be exercised by a representative instead of the person entitled to vote.

    Application forms and information leaflets can be obtained from all municipal authorities in the Federal Republic of Germany.

    One of the requirements for your participation as an election candidate is that you

    1. have reached the age of 18,
    2. be a citizen of a member state of the European Union,
    3. are not excluded from eligibility in the Federal Republic of Germany or in the member state of the European Union to which you belong.

    Together with the application for entry in the electoral roll or with the nominations, a declaration in lieu of an oath must be made that the above-mentioned requirements for active or passive participation in the election have been met.

    The application forms (forms) and information mentioned in this announcement can be obtained from the City of Wolfsburg, Ordnungsamt/Wahlen, Rathaus B, Zimmer B 040 and B 041, Porschestraße 49, 38440 Wolfsburg.

    Wolfsburg, 22.12.2023

    The city election officer
    Dennis Weilmann

  • Volunteer election assistants wanted

    For the election to the European Parliament on June 9, we are looking for interested citizens of the city of Wolfsburg who would like to work as election assistants on election day in one of the more than 100 general election committees or in a postal voting committee.

    In order to be considered for registration as an election volunteer, you must be eligible to vote. Persons must have German citizenship or citizenship of a member state of the European Union, be 16 years of age or older on election day and have been resident in the Federal Republic of Germany for at least three months.

    The election period begins at 8 am and ends at 6 pm. Voting takes place in two shifts. After 6 p.m., the election result is determined by counting the votes cast in the electoral boards. The city of Wolfsburg will provide compensation of 50 euros for the volunteer work.

    Interested parties can contact the Citizens' Services/Elections Division with immediate effect. Registrations can be made by calling the Service Center on 05361 28-1234, by e-mail to wahlhelfer@stadt.wolfsburg.de or online at wolfsburg.de/wahlhelfer.

  • Absentee ballot

    If you are unable to visit your polling station on election Sunday, you have the option of casting your vote by postal ballot. To do this, you must apply for a polling card with postal voting documents.

    You have the following options for submitting an application:

  • 1. form on the back of the polling card

    Simply fill out the form on the back of your election notification and send it to the address given.

    If you would like your postal voting documents to be sent to a different address, please state this when applying.

  • 2. in writing without a form

    Please apply in writing (without form) to:

    City of Wolfsburg
    Citizens' Services Division
    Electoral Office
    Porschestraße 49
    38440 Wolfsburg

    The following information is required:

    • Surname
    • First names
    • Date of birth
    • Address (street, house number, zip code, town)

    If you would like your postal voting documents to be sent to a different address, please state this when applying.

  • 3. By e-mail

    Send an e-mail to wahlscheine_on@stadt.wolfsburg.de.

    The following information is required:

    • Surname
    • first names
    • Date of birth
    • Address (street, house number, zip code, town)

    If you would like your postal voting documents to be sent to a different address, please state this when applying.

  • 4. scan the QR code on the front of your voting notification card

    Scan the QR code on the front of your election notification. This will take you to the online application "OLIWA".

    If you would like your postal voting documents to be sent to a different address, please state this when applying.

  • 5. in person at the postal polling station

    Come to the postal polling station in person:

    Town Hall A
    Meeting room 5
    Porschestrasse 49
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Opening hours:

    Mondays and Tuesdays: 08:30 to 16:30
    Wednesdays and Fridays: 08:30 to 12:00
    Thursdays: 08:30 to 17:30

    If you wish, you can also place your crosses directly on site. Please bring your identity card or passport with you. If you wish to apply for and/or collect postal voting documents for another person, you will need a written power of attorney.

  • Data and facts

    When will the voter notifications for the European elections be sent out?

    The deadline for compiling the electoral roll is April 28. In the week beginning April 29, the voter notifications will be produced and sent out.

    From and until when will the polling cards be delivered?

    The election notification letters will be delivered in the week beginning May 6. They must be delivered by May 19.

    How many parties and groups are on the ballot paper?

    The Federal Electoral Committee has approved 34 parties.

    When does the postal polling station open?

    The postal polling station will be open for citizens from May 2.

    The opening hours are Mondays and Tuesdays from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8.30 am to 12 noon and Thursdays from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm.

    Where is the postal polling station?

    The postal polling station is located in Town Hall A, first floor, meeting room 5, Porschestraße 49 in Wolfsburg.

    When can postal voters vote?

    You can vote from May 2.

    How many constituencies will be set up?

    There are a total of 103 constituencies in Wolfsburg for the European elections.

    How can I vote if I am ill?

    In the event of sudden proven illness, you can still apply for a postal vote until Saturday, June 8, at 12 noon in meeting room 5.

    How many people are eligible to vote?

    As of today, 87,862 citizens are registered on the electoral roll.

    Where will the election results be announced?

    The election results will be announced on the evening of the election at www.wolfsburg.de.

  • Legal basis

    In addition to the European Election Act (EuWG) and the European Election Regulations (EuWO), there are numerous legal foundations for the proper conduct of elections to the European Parliament. You can find an overview on the page of the Federal Election Commissioner*Federal Election Commissioner.

  • The State Election Commissioner

    The Lower Saxony Ministry of the Interior and Sport is responsible for electoral law in Lower Saxony. Together with the State Election Commissioner, it ensures compliance with the principles of electoral law, namely general, direct, free, equal and secret elections for all ballots.

    The Lower Saxony State Election Commissioner is Ulrike Sachs.

  • The Federal Election Commissioner

    The Federal Election Commissioner and his deputy are appointed by the Federal Minister of the Interior for an indefinite period. It has proved advantageous to appoint the President of the Federal Statistical Office as Federal Election Commissioner because of the tasks associated with this office and its technical capabilities.

  • Contact:

    City of Wolfsburg
    Electoral Office

    Porschestrasse 49
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Phone: 05361 28-2950
    Fax: 05361 28-1742
    E-mail: wahlen@stadt.wolfsburg.de

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