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Housing, environment & Transport

Contact maintenance/guardianship


  • Official guardianships and conservatorships

    Head of department
    Mr. Ahr
    Seilerstraße 3, Room 2.06
    Tel: 05361 28-1556 or 0170 4533105
    Fax: 05361 28-2272
    E-mail: vormundschaften@stadt.wolfsburg.de

    Ms. Breiteneder
    Seilerstraße 3, Room 2.02
    Tel: 05361 28-1557 or 0151 74405539
    Fax: 05361 28-2272
    E-mail: vormundschaften@stadt.wolfsburg.de

    Ms. Wiesner
    Seilerstraße 3, Room 2.02
    Tel: 05361 28-2886 or 0151 14355992
    Fax: 05361 28-2272
    E-mail: vormundschaften@stadt.wolfsburg.de

  • Guardianships and notarizations

    Phone: 05361 28-2400
    E-Mail: TeamUnterhalt@stadt.wolfsburg.de

  • A-Ge

    Mrs. Grammes
    room 2.08
    Phone: 05361 28-1716

  • Gf-K

    Mrs. Rekittke
    Room 2.10
    Phone: 05361 28-1620

  • L-M Sh

    Mrs. Schürmann
    Room 2.09
    Phone: 05361 28-1907

  • Mj-R and Z

    Mrs. Braun
    room 2.09
    Phone: 05361 28-2502

  • S-Y (without Sch)

    Mrs. Figge
    room 2.08
    Phone: 05361 28-2630

  • Maintenance advance

    E-mail: unterhaltsvorschuss@stadt.wolfsburg.de

    Acceptance of applications and processing of current cases

  • A-L

    Mr. Heidmann
    room 1.19
    Phone: 05361 28-2629

  • M-Z

    Mrs. Seeger
    room 1.19
    Phone: 05361 28-1076

  • Recourse to the maintenance debtor

  • A-Hd

    Mr. Kacur
    room 1.21
    Phone: 05361 28-2145

  • He-O

    Mrs. Rybak
    room 1.21
    Phone: 05361 28-2588

  • P-Z

    Mr. Echano
    room 1.20
    Phone: 05361 28-2719

  • Department Manager

    Mrs. Steding
    room 1.18
    Phone: 05361 28-2260
    Fax: 05361 28-2272

  • Address

    Visitor address

    Seilerstraße 3
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Postal address

    Pestalozziallee 1a
    38440 Wolfsburg

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